Saturday, 18 July 2009

The trip to Bush Point counting waders

As part of the Monitoring Yellow Sea M A counts a group of intrepid wader counters went out to Bush Point which is at the western end of Roebuck Bay (beyond the Mangroves). Two 4W drives went, Chris Hassell's and BBO vehicle with Matt, Clare and Grant, Maurice Chris and me.

Bush point is remote. You get to it by leaving the highway and taking a dirt track following the fenceline until you hit the open floodplains. Then you need to know where your going! there is a track of sorts but it isn't used very much. I can't get over the fact that in the UK peopel would pay an outward bound company to do what we are doing for real !

Winding our way through the floodplain we eventually come out to a creek and white sandy beaches which look heavenly and very tropical !

A pair of Caspian Tern

There were some 28000 birds seen that day including 4 Lesser Frigate birds hanging around the mouth of the creek which gave it acertain Juassic park feel !!!

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